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*group members.


Axworthy, J. B., Wang, S., Sofield, R. M., *Chávez-Dorado, J., DiBenedetto, M. H., & Padilla-Gamiño, J. "Exploring microplastic interactions with reef-building corals across flow conditions." (in revision).

*Chavez-Dorado, J., Scherl, I., & DiBenedetto, M. H.  Wave and turbulence separation using dynamic mode decomposition. arXiv:2403.00223. (in revision).

Sunberg, L. K. C., DiBenedetto, M. H., Ouellette, N. T., & Koseff, J. R. (2024). Parametric study of the dispersion of inertial non-spherical particles in a wave-current flow. Physical Review Fluids. 9, 034302.


Sutherland, B.R., DiBenedetto, M. H., Kaminski, A., & van den Bremer, T., S. (2023). Fluid dynamics challenges in predicting plastic pollution transport: a perspective. Physical Review Fluids. 8, 070701.

*Baker, L. J., & DiBenedetto, M. H. (2023). Large-scale particle shadow tracking and orientation measurement with collimated light. Experiments in Fluids. 64, 52. [pdf]

DiBenedetto, M. H., Donohue, J., Tremblay, K., Edson, E., & Law, K. L. (2023). Microplastics segregation by rise velocity at the ocean surface. Environmental Research Letters. 18, 024036

Clark, L. K., DiBenedetto, M. H., Ouellette, N. T., & Koseff, J. R. (2023). Dispersion of non-spherical particles by waves and currents. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 954, A3.


Elko, N., Foster, D., Kleinheinz, G., Raubenheimer, B., Brander, S., Kinzelman, J., ... DiBenedetto, M. H., ... & Simm, J. (2022). Human and ecosystem health in coastal systems. Shore & Beach. 90 (1), 64.

DiBenedetto, M. H., Clark, L. K., & Pujara, N. (2022). Enhanced settling and dispersion of inertial particles in surface waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 936, A38.

DiBenedetto, M. H., Helfrich, K., Pires, A., Anderson, E., & Mullineaux, L. (2022). Responding to the signal and the noise: behavior of planktonic gastropod larvae in turbulence. Journal of Experimental Biology. 225 (3): jeb243209

de Vosa, A., Aluwiharec, L., Youngs, S. DiBenedetto, M. H., Ward, C. P., Michel, A. P. M., Colson, B. C., Mazzotta, M. G., Walsh, A. N. Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M.,  & James, B. D. (2022). The M/V X-Press Pearl nurdle spill: Contamination of burnt and unburnt nurdles along Sri Lanka’s beaches. ACS Environmental Au.


Andruszkiewicz Allan, E., DiBenedetto, M. H., Lavery, A., Govindarajan, A., & Zhang, W. (2021). Modeling characterization of the vertical and temporal variability of mesopelagic species eDNA in the ocean. Scientific Reports. 11, 21273.

DiBenedetto, M. H., Meyer-Kaiser, K. S., Torjman, B., Wheeler, J. D., & Mullineaux, L. S. (2021). Departures from isotropy: the kinematics of a larval snail in response to food. Journal of Experimental Biology. 224:2, jeb239178.


Clark, L. K., DiBenedetto, M. H., Ouellette, N. T., & Koseff, J. R. (2020). Settling of inertial non-spherical particles in wavy flow. Physical Review Fluids. 5, 124301. 

DiBenedetto, M. H., Qin, Z. & Suckale, J. (2020). Crystal aggregates record the pre-eruptive flow field in the volcanic conduit at Kilauea, Hawaii. Science Advances. 6: 49, eabd4850. (press)

DiBenedetto, M. H. (2020). Non-breaking wave effects on buoyant particle distributions. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7, 148. (code)


DiBenedetto, M. H., Transport and behavior of non-spherical particles in waves. Stanford University, 2019.

DiBenedetto, M. H., Koseff, J. R., & Ouellette, N. T. (2019). Orientation dynamics of non-spherical particles under surface gravity waves. Physical Review Fluids. 4, 034301. Chosen as Editors' Suggestion. 


DiBenedetto, M. H., & Ouellette, N. T. (2018). Preferential orientation of spheroidal particles in wavy flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.  856, 850-869.

DiBenedetto, M. H., Ouellette, N. T., & Koseff, J. R. (2018). Transport of anisotropic particles under waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 837, 320-340.

If you are interested in an article and do not have access, please reach out!